Emerald Rating The Online Global Credit and Risk Score Algorithm

Emerald rating is one of the top Fintech Companies Providing credit management services using a Robo- advisor system in mitigating credit risk from insolvencies and bankruptcies. The company is a global company with clients and users mostly from India, United States, Switzerland, and Germany.


Founded in 2018 by Danny Kaltenborn, with her headquarters at Schubelbach, Schwyz 8862, Switzerland. Emerald rating combines Swiss financial excellence, credit rating methodology, and ten years of business to business experience with the business world more transparent in terms of credit risk. They are certified by the association of credit management in Switzerland.

In 2015, the founder of Emerald rating Danny Kaltenborn published a book on credit management – code of best practice, this book went on to win an award for the best-documented book on credit and risk management in Switzerland. The book describes the art of setting up standard credit management in a company; the value in this book forms the foundation on which Emerald rating was founded in 2018. Emerald Rating has worked with many top companies such as Dow Chemicals, BASF, and many more. In 2018 emerald rating won the India Technology Award by Code Studio, in recognition of its innovative platform for financial technology services.


Emerald Rating has 13,000 to 15, 000 users and customers across the world from 2018 to 2019, with over $0.1 billion under management.


Robo-Advisor: Automated credit scoring Model 

Consulting: Consulting services on best-practice credit management processes. 

Certification: The certified process by the Association of Credit Management Switzerland. 

Going-concern: Risk analysis for mergers, acquisition, business sales for small, medium, and large companies.

Balancing the books and making sure a company’s financial system such as credit score and a risk score is in a healthy state is the backbone of all successful businesses, whether you are buying a company or partnering with one, you have to make sure that the risk score and portfolio risk is balanced, going into any partnership or using debt without proper risk assessment can become very costly and as a result, lead to bankruptcies. Emerald ration has created an online platform that puts all these together for you and creates a simple analysis using graphs to explain exposures and credit scores based on variable inputs.

Click “here” to see Emerald Rating offers

Media Details –

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.emeraldrating.com
Country: Switzerland  



Published On: July 8, 2020