11 Free PR templates & Examples for Any Occasion

We’ve arranged 11 free public statement layouts and models made with ZEX PR Wire®’s Press Release Creator that you can utilize and download – and figure out how to target various crowds. You should simply fill in the spaces.

Regardless of what you’re writing about – every press release format should contain:

  • Headline – a taster of what you can expect.
  • Lead – a brief overview of the story, including answers to the questions: Who? What? When? Why? With what effect?
  • Body – an explanation of the information provided earlier in the lead, starting from the most newsworthy info to other less important, background info.
  • Dateline – to confirm that you’re providing the most up-to-date information.
  • Company info – a short paragraph about your company to help journalists understand the nature of the business and make writing about it easier.
  • Media contact information – author or company’s/agency’s contact information.
Exactness is critical here, remember to incorporate the occasion’s name, scene, coordinator. In the event that you welcomed specialists to talk at your occasion, give a short depiction of their profiles.
When arranging their quality at different gatherings, writers need to know early who they will speak and about what. On the off chance that you plan on conveying solicitations, ensure columnists know when and where they ought to RSVP. Don’t simply toss the occasion’s title and a connect to its Facebook page in your discharge it’s incredibly terrible practice.
In case you’re expounding on a past occasion, ensure you incorporate quality photographs (subtitled with the picture taker’s name).

Utilize this free official statement format at whatever point you need to enlighten the world regarding another collection or single discharge or another gig coming up. Add a mystery to your official statement—it’s conceivable when you’re distributing your news on the web! You should simply insert a SoundCloud or YT code into your story. Additionally, notice the class your collection fits into.

Remember to incorporate a concise note about the craftsman and what joins them to your image. On the off chance that there are accomplices engaged with the undertaking (for example masterful support), ensure you notice them, as well. Columnists will likewise welcome a few statements, pictures, or spread plan. A few passages from audits of a collection/show will be welcome, as well.


New book discharges are commonly like music collection discharges, yet specialists regarding the matter every now and again prescribe adding a bonus to such an official statement: a selection from the book, cites from the most recent surveys, data on the essayist’s gathering, the writer’s profile, or a rundown of past productions or grants

You’re going to refresh your administration with a cool new component or revive your items and need everybody to think about it? Mention to them what has changed and why with this free official statement layout.

Clarify why it’ll be an improvement—ensure the peruser is sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that the update you’re going to execute won’t be simply one more difficulty. Consider displaying such a correlation/rundown as a table.

On the off chance that this official statement is routed to clients and not the media, it ought to incorporate the contact subtleties of individuals responsible for client care, just on the off chance that they have some additional inquiries. Instructional exercise recordings will likewise be incredible to direct the clients through the most significant changes.

So you simply procured new ability and you’re thinking about how to illuminate the media regarding this reality and secure however many distributions regarding this matter as could be allowed? Look at our committed new contract official statement guide and models and the layout above ensure you remember exceptionally significant components for your discharge.

Leaving the organization—particularly when the individual concerned is an open persona—is constantly a fascinating theme for the media.It merits referencing whether a specific news story was banned or confined or whether we are sending it out as a restrictive piece.

Express the purpose behind leaving, remember data for who will supplant this individual, and additionally include a statement from your CEO or the master who’s left.Download

New office = new you? Ensure the world thinks about it with this free official statement layout! Include a couple of photos from the opening or group building occasion, a creation of or a short video of one of your partners indicating the watchers around the new space.

It’s additionally a smart thought to incorporate a guide with bearings that works both on portable and work area alongside opening times. Particularly in case you’re conveying a greeting rather than a main story from the fabulous opening occasion.

Including a short bio of the organization’s founder(s) and a concise note about the organization is a standard worth remembering.

Utilize this free public statement layout at whatever point you start teaming up with a brand that is essential to your business.

Expound on your common duties, portray the venture you will be taking a shot at together, include logos of the two organizations, illustrations identifying with your collaboration, contact subtleties of individuals responsible for correspondence in the two organizations.

Make a point to make reference to what extent this organization is to last!

The most important question you must ask yourself if you’re undergoing a rebranding process is whether or not it will result in completely changing your target group. If so, it’s advisable to rethink your messages. What used to matter to your audiences could have lost its significance.

But no matter what the answer is, your press release should include the following information:

  • An eye-catching headline
  • A brief description of your organization/business, including:
    • rebranding changes that are about to take place
    • a specific date when the changes will take effect
    • reason for undergoing the process, the impact of rebranding (packaging, logos, identity, design, advertising)
    • niche, mission, operations
    • products/services
  • A quote from a stakeholder (the CEO, board member)
  • A relevant photograph (company logo, office building, etc.)
  • Link to the company’s website
  • Release date
  • Dateline
  • Boilerplate—a short paragraph about the company
  • Contact info (contact person, company address, phone)


It’s your day of festivity—a minute when you tell the world that you’re really amazing at something. Also, there are at any rate a few different ways for you to do it.

The official one; where you center around an infectious feature and lead, in addition to a body which will incorporate data, for example, what kind of grant it is, who is introducing it and in what classification, which rivalry release it is, regardless of whether it’s gold, silver or bronze, what you are getting it for.

Or on the other hand, you can utilize an additionally captivating web based life official statement where you can utilize GIFs, internet based life posts, connections to different public statements, emoticons, recordings, and other sight and sound.

The most dead and authority structure. It is an unequivocal, regularly composed, introduction of your position or convictions. Most regular explanations incorporate an announcement of no criminal records, a statement from the gathering to blame for a crash/mishap or an assertion of will.

Renunciation from administrations additionally comes as an announcement/statement. It must be short and to-the-point. There is the wrong spot for expand style and getting innovative here. Goodness, and one more thing—a press articulation isn’t equivalent to a public statement.