Paulius Stankevicius Announces Stankevicius MGM to Manage Official News Network for World Impact Media Organization

Paulius Stankevicius, CEO of Stankevicius MGM and Stankevicius Group, is pleased to announce that Stankevicius MGM will be taking charge of managing the Official News Network for the World Impact Media Organization. As a media NGO correspondent, World Impact Media Organization focuses on covering global issues in developing countries, while also highlighting local entrepreneurship and various other important subjects.

Photo: Paulius Stankevicius

As part of a pro bono initiative, Stankevicius MGM will provide comprehensive media support to World Impact Media Organization. This includes full access to Stankevicius Media Channels to ensure that all stories and coverage related to the NGO’s mission reach a global audience. Stankevicius MGM will offer unlimited access to its media channels for users, partners, and sponsors of World Impact Media Organization, ensuring that critical global issues receive the visibility they deserve.

Paulius Stankevicius expressed his commitment to making an impact: “With the media access that we have, we want to make a difference in the world, even if it’s just a little bit, by helping small voices gain public attention worldwide. It’s about giving a platform to those who need it the most.”

This collaboration reflects Stankevicius MGM’s ongoing dedication to using its extensive media resources for global good, providing a voice to those often unheard and ensuring their stories reach international platforms.

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About Stankevicius MGM

Stankevicius MGM is a global media and marketing firm specializing in strategic public relations, media coverage, and branding. Known for its ability to amplify voices worldwide, the company works with clients across industries to create impactful media campaigns and strengthen their public presence.

About World Impact Media Organization

World Impact Media Organization is a media NGO correspondent that focuses on covering critical global issues in developing countries. The organization is committed to highlighting local entrepreneurship, social issues, and other topics that matter to underserved communities, bringing their stories to the forefront on a global stage.

Visit to learn more about World Impact Media Organization.

Published On: September 9, 2024