Humanizing Hiring: 5 Ways to Find the Right Fit for Your Organization

Sydney, Australia, 18th August 2023, ZEX PR WIRE, Recruiting has traditionally been seen as a process that is purely focused on skills and experience, with little consideration given to the human element. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition that recruiting is not just about finding candidates with the right technical abilities, but also about finding individuals who fit well within the culture of the organization and can contribute to its overall success. Over-reliance on popular AI methods of recruiting, however, tend to produce the opposite. 

As founder of Avanti Search, and as a former internal recruiter, have allowed me to witness the value in incorporating a human element to the recruitment process. Below are five ways to humanize the hiring process.

  • Use behavioral interviewing techniques

One of the most effective ways to incorporate the human element in recruiting is to use behavioral interviewing techniques. This approach involves asking candidates to provide specific examples of how they have handled past situations or challenges. By focusing on past behavior, you can gain valuable insights into how candidates are likely to behave in the future, including their level of motivation, their ability to work effectively in a team, and their overall work ethic.

  • Assess cultural fit

Assessing cultural fit is another important aspect of incorporating the human element into recruiting. Cultural fit is all about finding candidates who share the same values, beliefs, and attitudes as the organization. This can help to ensure that new hires are aligned with the organization’s mission and vision and are more likely to contribute to its overall success. To assess cultural fit, consider using assessments or personality tests, as well as involving current employees in the interview process.

  • Build relationships with candidates

Building relationships with candidates is another effective way to incorporate the human element into recruiting. This involves taking the time to get to know candidates on a personal level, and showing a genuine interest in their goals and aspirations. By building these relationships, you can create a more positive candidate experience, which can help to attract and retain top talent.

  • Prioritize diversity and inclusion

Incorporating the human element into recruiting also means prioritizing diversity and inclusion. This involves actively seeking out candidates from diverse backgrounds and creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. By prioritizing diversity and inclusion, you can help to create a more dynamic and innovative workplace, where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

  • Offer ongoing support and development

Finally, incorporating the human element into recruiting means offering ongoing support and development to new hires. This can include providing mentorship, training, and opportunities for professional development. By investing in the growth and development of new hires, you can help to create a more engaged and motivated workforce, which can ultimately lead to better business outcomes.

In conclusion, incorporating the human element into recruiting is all about finding candidates who not only have the right skills and experience, but also share the same values, beliefs, and attitudes as the organization. By using behavioral interviewing techniques, assessing cultural fit, building relationships with candidates, prioritizing diversity and inclusion, and offering ongoing support and development, you can create a more positive and effective recruiting process that ultimately leads to better business outcomes.

Published On: August 18, 2023