IELTS preparation in Dubai at Amourion Training Institute

Dubai, UAE, 14th February 2021, ZEXPRWIRE – Amourion Training Institute has been working to provide professional IELTS training in Dubai since 2007. The IELTS preparation center in Dubai is situated on Sheikh Zayed Road in close proximity to multimodal transport and strives to provide quality IELTS training to as many students as possible. The regionally lauded IELTS services in Dubai include IELTS speaking test preparation, IELTS listening test preparation, IELTS reading practice test, IELTS coaching, and IELTS general training. Apart from these, the multi-discipline training institute offers personality and language grooming, public speaking skills, leadership qualities, Arabic, French, Italian, and English (Amourion Training Institute, 2007). The most liked courses of Amourion training center are admission courses such as IELTS, SAT, PTE, TOEFL, UCAT, Digital Marketing, etc.
Being a fully accredited institution by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority of Dubai, ATI (Amourion Training Institute) is indubitably one of the best institutes, for students living locally or abroad. With an array of training programs for online access and a faculty with unmatched expertise, ATI Dubai is your best bet for all your advanced professional learning. Individual attention is provided to enrolled candidates under a healthy and progressive learning environment to enhance the learning experience.
IELTS is The International English Language Testing System, which measures the English skills of non-native speakers (IELTS, 2021). It is managed by the British Council and IDP. IELTS measures the skills of a person through a one-to-nine scale. A person scoring 1 is a non-user, and a person scoring 9 is an expert (IELTS, 2021). There are two types of IELTS tests, academic and general testing. Academic testing is for the students who wish to gain higher education abroad, and general testing is for people who are applying for jobs or migrating for other reasons in countries with English as a native language. The countries in focus are Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. IELTS is believed to be fair to everyone, regardless of race or culture.
IELTS training includes four basic skills; reading, writing, speaking and listening. Amourion institute helps students to enhance all four skills to achieve a good score. IELTS reading is improved by providing efficient tips to improve, including the process of skimming and scanning. IELTS writing is improved by teaching writing skills, focusing on a professional way to write. IELTS speaking is enhanced by making students practice speaking exercises and to also give them an opportunity to do public speaking. IELTS listening is improved by teaching students’ tips and tricks to enhance their skills and making them listen to their fellow candidates, followed by questioning, which will practically help them to improve.
IELTS is an internationally recognized test and achieving a good score in this test helps an individual to land with a positive impression in the respective universities, colleges, or where they are applying for work. Amourion Training institute will assist individuals to achieve their desired score and fulfill their dreams of getting the job or admission.
Amourion Training Institute. (2007). IELTS TRAINING IN DUBAI. Retrieved from Here
IELTS. (2021). IELTS introduction. IELTS. Retrieved from Here
About Us:
Amourion Training Institute is headquartered in Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE
Website: Amourion
Name: Dr. Anil Khare
Email: [email protected]
Phone No: +971 4 355 4850 | +971 55 166 5437
Address: 1803, Al Moosa Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE