Metaverse Conferences Serises from Metaverse Club in 2022 will talk about the Industries of Gamefi,NFTs and DeFi, Investment

Singapore, 23rd Feb 2022, ZEXPRWIRE, The Metaverse Ecosystem Development & Investment Conference Asia Station will be held on the 24, 25, 26 May 2022 as an online event. The Metaverse Investment Conference is organized by the MC (Metaverse Club). The conference focuses on games, NFTs, DeFi, Technology with the participation of global players including companies, investors, and media in the Asia Pacific market.

The event will share the latest market news of global metaverse companies, help those to find investment opportunities, and meaningful PR opportunities in the Asia Pacific market.
The conference will include the participation of 500 plus, gaming, NFT, DeFi, tech companies, 80 investment entities, 50 Asian media and 30 plus global media. It is expecting 20,000 online attendees. More than 80 speakers will discuss metaverse innovation topics.
Investment entities will speak about the latest investment strategies in Blockchain games, NFTs, and DeFi.

MetaTokyo,Charisma Entertainment,Subgame,Upland,NFTrade,India Blockchain Alliance,Gumi Cryptos Capital,A’Z Angels,80.LV,ParlayMe,etc more than fiften partners and 80 Plus Medias has join in the Metaverse Club to support the Metaverse Ecosystem Development & Investment Conference Asia Station.

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Media Contacts
Contact Person: Lucy
Company Name: Metaverse Club
Email: [email protected]