Use case of identification framework and Exploring Blockchain opportunities

The Blockchain is still a new foundational technology with a vast amount of applications. However, the one who is trying might not be aware of which use-case in their business model will be the best fit in their business model. To analyze this and their business regarding blockchain suitability, this article will introduce you to use the use case of the identification framework in Blockchain.

In the process of developing and analyzing the suitability, it has been evaluated with internal and external review of some reputed channels and sources which provides the latest and most accurate blockchain news. They not only offered an analysis framework but also help to decide which use case they should consider or which characteristics this blockchain implementation would add specific advantages they offer.


With a rapid adoption and growth of blockchain technology worldwide, this is always being a topic of growth and interest for the audience and crypto news aggregators. With this massive awareness bought by these channels, there is an increase in the number of blockchain applications been developed. Businesses around the globe are raising the question of “How their business models are going to be affected by the implementation of blockchain technology and how they can use this amazing technology to bring advantage in their current business model?”. The companies are exploiting the advantages that blockchain technology offers for their business model enhancement.


The framework doesn’t include any category by acknowledging any of those blockchain characteristics that could negatively influence the decision to adopt Blockchain. For example, the issue of data privacy, which receives enormous importance with the new GDPR. Now adding such a category could be included in future refinements of this framework analysis.


Published On: May 4, 2020