What is Divine Energy: A Groundbreaking Book on Finding Your Place in the Universe

(Via ZEXPR) The quest to experience contentment and purposefulness in life has been an eternal challenge for humanity.  Dr. Vipin Gupta, the renowned professor of management at California State University, San Bernardino, sheds new light on this quest with his book, What’s Divine Energy.

“Any individual will tell you that they are worried about their future, which robs them of their ability to fully enjoy the present. When pressed to explain why, however, few can,” Dr. Gupta says. “They just know that their lives are not everything they could be, and they continue to drift, believing life is meaningless. They ponder who they are and what a soul is. Who exactly is God? What happens after death? Is there a center of the universe? These are questions I answer in this book, and the answers may surprise you. They will certainly be life changing.”

Dr. Gupta’s book focuses on divine energy, which is our power to consciously decide what we wish to manifest and to then achieve excellence in doing so. “It is the energy whose potential is within each of us,” Dr. Gupta explains. “One problem is that when we do not believe in this fact, we allow others to take advantage of our divine potential. You can see how this can create strife in your life. It goes beyond this, however, because we intuitively know that we lost something vital to our essence, and we develop a satanic orientation by retaliating against others. It is the start of a destructive cycle that my research teaches you how to break.”

 When writing What Is Divine Energy, Dr. Gupta knew that too many people feel apathetic about their lives, and the book addresses how to overcome that by understanding their purpose on Earth. “Knowing who you are and why you are here actually goes much deeper than understanding your psychology or gifts,” Dr. Gupta believes. “To break out of your apathy and live your life with energy and peace, you must ultimately question long-established scientific ideas that have led the world astray.” The book makes a compelling case for people to reject the idea that some invisible force controls their lives so long as they faithfully believe what scientists are telling them. This is particularly important because too many scientists falsify the work of their predecessors. This blind acceptance of scientific theories ultimately means that people miss out on knowing the reason they are here.

“One truth central to my thesis is that everything is a manifestation of Mother Nature. We are all actually part of this great creation we call Nature,” Dr. Gupta says.  He adds “Oneness with Mother Nature is the first step for knowing our reality.  After that, we need to correct for the work energy we devote to know the reality that we represent. The totality of the thing that gifts us our reality and our reality constitute the technological factor immanent within Mother Nature.  It forms every entity, animate or inanimate, in this universe.” 

Professor Gupta underlines that “as a mirroring technological factor, capable of conceiving alternative realities like the Almighty Creator, each entity has the power to multiply one’s energy for limitless formation of things.  Today, our scientists of the so-called modern world deny this fact, and because of this, the basis for how so many people live is flawed.”

What’s Divine Energy explains that because people bind themselves to predetermined ideas that are erroneous, they are led astray and their questions remain unanswered. “Aligning yourself with truth will bring you into oneness with Mother Nature and clarify your place in the universe.”

Dr. Gupta wrote What’s Divine Energy to help people who are ready to move forward in life and take their mood, destiny, divinity, and eternity in their hands. “It will empower you in ways you cannot imagine,” he says, smiling. “The ideas are valuable, practical, and revolutionary.”  In the book, Dr. Gupta substantiates his thesis by tracking the multiphase journey of a cell as it becomes the cause of the birth of the whole universe and transforms itself into an atom.  

The book authoritatively integrates the diverse concepts from modern science with the metaphysics of divine sciences. It illuminates everything without the illusion of the theoretically constructed reality. In doing so, he resolves many wicked paradoxes in scientific, metaphysical, and cultural discourse. 

Reading Dr. Gupta’s work will help everyone understand their own potential so that they can lead positive lives and ultimately leave behind a healthy and potent legacy for future generations. Readers have found that the book addresses answers to questions that many have about the connection between divine energy and science. “He provides a great deal of evidence to show that the two are connected. These answers need to be available to us as we evolve both physically and spiritually.”  Dr. Gupta also explains that the management perspective focusing on the manageable dimension of our reality is his key to connecting physics and metaphysics. 

Dr. Gupta is happy that so many lives are being impacted by his work and that more people are learning to enjoy the present reality. “By finally tapping into that ability and taking control of it, we will take our lives into our own hands, ultimately benefiting humanity as a whole.”

What Is Divine Energy is available in a full scientific edition as paperback, hardcover, and digital and in a popular In A Nutshell edition as paperback, digital, and audible. 

Dr. Vipin Gupta is a professor of management and a co-director of the Center for Global Management at the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration, California State University, San Bernardino. He was previously at Simmons University, Grand Valley State University, and Fordham University. Dr. Gupta has a Ph.D. in managerial science and applied economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Published On: April 7, 2021