Leading Thought Leader Paula Fellingham Announces New Platform to Help Women Across the World

Chicago, Illinois, 4th Jan 2022, ZEXPRWIRE, On one side are billions of frustrated women who are struggling in some area of their lives.
On the other side is a life full of joy, peace, and prosperity.
In the middle is a woman on a mission.
Paula Fellingham has dedicated her life to helping women all over the world improve their lives.
She is founder of WIN WIN Women.
Fellingham says, “After almost four decades of teaching women worldwide, and doing my best to lighten their loads, I felt as if everything I had ever done had been like putting a tiny drop of water in a vast ocean of need.”
After researching, pondering, praying, and meeting with business and technology experts, WIN WIN Women has thousands of experts, on all topics women care about, will share their messages on video (and audio), and women worldwide can access their 60 minute Shows-and-Conversations 24/7, in every nation.
WIN WIN Women is now being built to serve all 3.9 billion women on Earth and is the first Social and Informational Multi-Media Network (with Shows 24/7 on 50+ topics) and a global movement including a website, an app, 3 television networks, international events, an online university, and local Circles in 195 nations.
Imagine a woman in any country – any time of the day or night – wanting and needing to be comforted – or perhaps she’s curious and wants to learn something new. Or, maybe she wants to just share her heart and be with other women who understand what she’s feeling. And she
Their mission is to care, connect, and collaborate with billions of women worldwide, so that all women can enjoy a level of excellence in every area of their lives and be more joyful, fulfilled, and financially secure. Every one of the billions of women living today is struggling with a problem that others, even family members, may know nothing about. Although the problems are different, the pain is the same. Women’s hearts are aching and yearning for solutions. WWW is a safe, supportive place where ALL women can come to share their knowledge, experiences, struggles and solutions. We give women what they need, right when they need it.
WWW Show Hosts help women aim for, and achieve, excellence in every area of their lives – personally and in their businesses. They present their weekly video Show with interactive social conversations and sharing, and they speak at WWW live and virtual events, regionally and internationally. WWW Shows are on the website and app, and selected Shows are seen on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV.
For more information visit www.WinWinWomen.com
Media Contacts
Paula Fellingham
[email protected]
Chicago, Illinois